
chmod (change mode) is the command to change permissions to system objects (files and directories).

$ chmod u+x filename

Useful Options / Examples


$ chmod [references][operator][modes] file ...

References include:

  1. u for user
  2. g for group
  3. o for other

Operators include:

  1. + adds specified modes to specified classes
  2. - removes specified nodes to specified classes
  3. = will set specified classes to exact specified modes

Modes include:

  1. r (read)
  2. w (write)
  3. x (execute)

chmod [reference(s)][operator][mode(s)] file

$ chmod u+x file 
$ chmod g-w, uo=rw file 
Break it down
  • The first command will add write permission for file to user
  • The second command will remove write permission for group, and set user and other to have read and write permissions only

chmod --reference=[file1] [file2]

$ chmod --reference=file1 file2 
Break it down
  • Sets file2’s permissions to be the same as file1

chmod -R [reference(s)][operator][mode(s)] directory

$ chmod -R u+x directory-name/
Break it down
  • Adds execute permission to users for all files under directory

chmod [reference(s)][operator][mode(s)] *

$ chmod u+x *
Break it down
  • Adds execute permision to users for all subdirectories under directory