The more
command displays the file called name in the screen. The RETURN key displays the next line of the file. The spacebar displays the next screen of the file.
The syntax is:
$ more [options] [files]
A simple example is:
$ more text.txt
It will display the content of text.txt file on the screen
It is similar with cat
command, but using cat
command is annoyed if the text file is long, all the output scrolls off the top of the screen.
command fixes that problem by letting the user scroll the output one screenful of data at a time.
Useful Options / Examples
more -d [files]
It will display “Press space to continue, ‘q’ to quit
For example, when we do:
$ more -d
It will show an intruction message “Press space to continue, ‘q’ to quit” at the bottom of the screen
more +[number] [files]
It wil count logical lines rather than screen lines
For example:
$ more +10
It will display the file starting at number 10
more +/[pattern] [files]
It will display the file, beginning at the first line containing the [pattern]
For example:
$ more +/'Hello' hello.c
It will display the first line containing ‘Hello’ string of the **‘hello.c’ file
There are other useful options as the table below:
Options | Descitption |
-c | Page through the file by clearing the window. (not scrolling). |
-f | Count logical lines rather than screen lines (wrapping text) |
-l | Ignores form feed (^L) characters. |
-s | Displays multiple blank lines as one blank line. |
-u | Does not display underline characters and backspace (^H). |
-w | Waits for a user to press a key before exiting. |