
Displays information about the file pointed to by [filename]

$ stat
16777217 14633638 -rw-r--r-- 1 [user] staff 0 439 "Feb  9 22:08:11 2018"
"Feb  9 22:08:08 2018" "Feb  9 22:08:08 2018" "Feb  9 21:29:18 2018"
4096 8 0x40

Useful Options / Examples

The output is structured as below:

st_mode st_ino st_dev st_rdev st_nlink st_uid st_gid st_size st_atim st_mtim st_ctim st_blksize st_blocks

st_dev – identifier of device containing file

st_ino – inode number

st_mode – protection mode; see also Unix permissions

st_nlink – reference count of hard links

st_uid – user identifier of owner

st_gid – group identifier of owner

st_rdev – device identifier (if special file)

st_size – total file size, in bytes

st_atime – time of last access

st_mtime – time of last modification

st_ctime – time of last status change

st_blksize – preferred block size for file system I/O, which can depend upon both the system and the type of file system[3]

st_blocks – number of blocks allocated in multiples of DEV_BSIZE (usually 512 bytes).

Example commands

-r - Display raw information, That is for all the fields displayed above, display the raw, numerical value

$ stat -r
16777217 14636916 0100644 1 501 20 0 1800 1518234259 1518234256
1518234256 1518229758 4096 8 64

-s - Display information in 'shell output', suitable for initializing variables

$ stat -s
st_dev=16777217 st_ino=14637054 st_mode=0100644 st_nlink=1 st_uid=501
st_gid=20 st_rdev=0 st_size=1905 st_atime=1518234359 st_mtime=1518234357 st_ctime=1518234357 st_birthtime=1518229758 st_blksize=4096 st_blocks=8

-x - Display information in a more easier to read format

$ stat -x
File: ""
Size: 2044         FileType: Regular File
Mode: (0644/-rw-r--r--)         Uid: (  501/  [user])  Gid: (   20/   staff)
Device: 1,1   Inode: 14637091    Links: 1
Access: Fri Feb  9 22:46:25 2018
Modify: Fri Feb  9 22:46:23 2018
Change: Fri Feb  9 22:46:23 2018